This ecstatic feeling finally ebbed and Shirley was able to continue dressing.
The relief was only temporary, however, as a lovely white nylon tricot slip cascading down over her body causing her to flush again with delight. The slip had tiny pleats and the hemline was rimmed with lace. This luscious lace also edged the sheer nylon bodice. The entire effect was a voluptuous joy to Shirley. In this mad wonderful moment a daring thought came to Shirley, tonight would be an excellent time to go outside. It was a crazy idea without reason or logic. Shirley had never dared to go outside before, and with good reason. She was a shy unsophisticated girl with a very limited wardrobe. All of her treasured things had been either purchased by mail or had belonged to her mother with the exception of her stockings. The best that might be said of the clothes, was that they were a near fit. Shirley's six foot height required special clothes from a Tall Girl Shop, and this required a direct purchase which Shirley had never had the courage to make. Once she had gone into a Tall Girl Shop to purchase nylons. It was almost Valentine's Day and it seemed an appropriate time to make a gift purchase for a girl friend. There had been no other customers in the store, so two salesgirls had waited on her. Their light banter, and their insistence on sending a catalog to the girl in question, led to blushing confusion. Shirley was never certain whether the name and address she had given was ever accepted by the girls.
The idea of going out had taken over, and despite all the obvious reasons why she shouldn't, Shirley's mind was set. She would make her plans later, as for now housework had her first priority. She put on her favorite daytime dress. It was a Shelton Stroller in a blue print nylon jersey. Make-up was applied with careful deliberation. Lipstick was the big make-up problem for Shirley as it was always so difficult for her to remove it. Time was not a pressing factor this morning, so it was put on without a second's hesitation. A last minute check of the mirror, a turban to cover the short hair, a few items of costume jewelry to adorn her, and Shirley faced the day with eager anticipation.
As Shirley washed and rinsed the last pan, she escaped from her daydreams long enough to get a dish towel, and complete her task. The day had been a good one with no outside phone calls or ringing of the door bell. Finally the job